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First phase of Port of Nickerie Masterplan Presented by Port of Rotterdam.

Updated: Sep 28, 2023

In June of 2023, the Port of Rotterdam and Phoenix Development Company held a presentation regarding the completed first phase of the masterplan for the Port of Nickerie to the Cabinet of the President, Counsel of Ministers and the management team of the Port Management Company of Suriname (Havenbeheer Suriname). The masterplan includes the Commercial Forecast, Area Assessment, Technical Report, Design Concept, Business Case, Governance Structure and Business Model.

Masterplan presented at the Cabinet of the President and Counsel of Ministers on June 21, 2023. Picture: President of the Republic of Suriname, Minister of Natural Resources, Minister of Transport, Havenbeheer Suriname, Port of Rotterdam, Phoenix Development Company & Firebird LNG.

Port of Rotterdam, on request, provides port advisory services to governments and public/private port companies, in some cases opting to co-invest. The Port of Rotterdam has been assigned as a technical advisor by Phoenix Development Company to draft a masterplan for the development of the Port of Nickerie & Special Economic Zone in collaboration with N.V. Havenbeheer Suriname.

Masterplan presented at the Port Management Company of Suriname (Havenbheer Suriname). Picture: Minister of Transport, Havenbheer Suriname, Port of Rotterdam & Phoenix Development Company.

The objective of the masterplan is to “quantify and outline the market potentials, the spatial planning requirements and the financial framework for establishing and growing a deep-water port & industrial zone in Nickerie over a period of 30 years in order to facilitate industries and the development of the economy.

Suriname is one of the few countries in the world that contributes in a positive way to global warming, as Suriname has a negative balance of CO2 emissions.

The energy transition can be seen as an opportunity for Suriname. It leads to sustainable development of the port-industrial area, economy and society in the region. This creates opportunities for existing and new companies both local and international.

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