July 13, 2023, by Zlatan Hrvacevic
Havenbeheer Suriname and Phoenix Development Company recently signed MOU’s with Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors B.V., Combi Lift Projekt GMBH & CO., Van Aalst Group BV, and Safeway BV. for the development of the Port of Nickerie.
Photo courtesy of Havenbeheer Suriname
These partnerships aim to collaborate on the development of the port, integration of green energy, sustainable transport systems, waste management and a suite of green strategies and nature-based solutions that contribute to the sustainable growth of the Port of Nickerie and Suriname.
With technical advisement from the Port of Rotterdam, N.V. Havenbeheer Suriname and the Phoenix Development Company are developing one of the greenest ports in the world.
Back in 2022, Port of Rotterdam started developing the Masterplan and in Q2 2023 has finalized first phases of this massive development project.
Over the next two years, Van Oord will be dredging the seabed to provide sufficient depth for future navigation at the port. This will allow the first LNG ships to depart from Suriname in 2025.